Thursday, December 2, 2010


Mike Nesbitt, traditional and graphic artist. Nesbitt's primary inspirations are from wrestling, video games (Street Fighter, Samurai Showdown, and Soul Caliber) comics (Batman and Spider Man) and manga (One Piece, Naruto, and Trigun).  Nesbitt's professional work tends towards video game character cards, executed in Photoshop. Although, Nesbitt has taken commissions that are usually just fan art requests or full shots of original characters.

Nesbitt's work is generally Photoshop paintings of characters, either in cell shading or realistic shading.
Although Nesbitt usually only does single character vertical layouts, there are a few examples of a break in his standard.

To see more of Nesbitt's work, go to:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Arden Ellen Nixon, traditional artist known for her colorful paintings. Her primary medium is acrylic paint, followed by water colors. Nixon's gallery has a great number of paintings which generally focus around a person or wild animal. Her works reflect her love of fantasy, mythology, history, and life in general. Select paintings also really display her sense of humor, and a small collection of Alice in Wonderland works give one an idea of her slight obsession for it.

Her most known works generally contain a very powerful portrait of a wild animal (generally a wild cat).
It is assumed that if there is a wild animal missing from her gallery, it is from the lack of time to do it. However Nixon doesn't restrict herself to only painting animals, she also paints portraits of people, lone or in a group.

To see more of Nixon's work, visit:  or